Sunday 9 September 2018

FREE Mauraders Map blanket graph!

EDIT 2: All fixed now! <3 
EDIT: So it was pointed out to me that 'Messers' should be 'Messrs' XD I'll be fixing this up after work tonight and will update this post again when it's fixed!

Hey all! So excited to finally share this graph with you! It was a labour of love trying to fit as many details into the graph as possible, but I'm happy with the final outcome!

As always, feel free to share photos of WIPs or finished products made from this graph- I love seeing my graphs made into physical items!

Here is a link to my PDF of the graph split over 4 pages so you can print it out and stick them together to have a larger graph to follow :) Or alternatively just click on the image below to get the full-sized graph to download!

(Also I've had a lot of fun coming up with a texture to over the finished graphs so that you can get an idea of what they'll look like in real life- check it out! :D

Also a huge thank-you to Bec Sharp from the Two Hearts Crochet Family group for allowing me to share her amazing cross-stitch version of the graph! <3

Thursday 6 September 2018

Princess Dress FREE graphs!

Was feeling a bit creative today so decided to make some graphs to share with you all! There are 18 different characters represented, plus a dual coloured version of Aurora :)

(Psst also remember my last sneak peak? Check the bottom of this post for the full sneaky look before I upload it over the weekend!)

Included characters are:
Anna - Ariel - Aurora
Belle - Cinderella - Elsa
Esmerelda - Jasmine - Kida
Megara - Merida - Moana
Mulan - Pocahontas - Rapunzel
Snow White - Tiana - Vanellope

And here's the last sneek-peek of my new blanket graph!

Wednesday 8 August 2018

FREE Descendants Graphs!

Now that I've got a laptop and Photoshop again, I've been ready to dive back into graph making again! What a better way to start again than with something Disney! I saw someone asking in the Two Hearts Crochet Family group about Descendants graphs so I had to give them a go myself!

Please feel free to comment or email me with any completed graphs you've made of these- I love seeing them! :)

100x100 Banner

50x50 Centre Square

Carlos's and Evie's Symbols

Mal and Jay's Symbols

Apple Logo and Fairy Godmother's Wand

Evie and Mal

Jay and Carlos

Dizzy and Uma

Harry and Gil

Ben and Chad

Doug and Audrey

Lonnie and Jane

Fairy Godmother and Dude