Monday 22 May 2017

Aladdin's Flying Carpet- Free graph!

Among many other things I've been working on these past few weeks, I quickly whipped up a FREE graph so you can make your very own Aladdin's Flying Carpet blanket or throw! It's 150x200 squares so it is huuuugggeeee- I definitely recommend making a test swatch first so you can see how big yours might turn out!

As usual, please show me if you use it! Nothing makes me happier than to see my graphs come to life!
Link here is to my google drive with the PDF and images!


  1. This is beautiful! It will be great when made up. Thank you!

  2. Thank you. What an stunning graph!

  3. Would you do this as c2c or something else? Thank you, by the way. This is gorgeous!

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Personally I'd do it as either tunisian or sc seeing as it's a fairly large graph!

  4. Thank you for this, will be diy-ing my son's aladdin costume and props this month. Glad I stumbled here in your site. =)
